Movie: “Edward Scissorhands”

– B2-C1 (intermediate to advanced) –

Practice Your Listening Comprehension

Photo courtesy of themaddhatter on

Practice Your Reading Comprehension

“Edward Scissorhands” is a classic Tim Burton movie that Canadians all across the country watch most notably in November, as its dark humour and production so easily lend themselves to Halloween and its innocence and wintry setting match the atmosphere of Christmastime. As such, it is the perfect blend of both holidays, so it makes sense that many viewers naturally enjoy relaxing with the film in the in-between season.


Johnny Depp expertly plays the titular role of the weird yet wonderfully charming Edward Scissorhands, a living science experiment who literally has scissors for hands, making it nearly impossible to interact with anyone without accidental violence. Consequently, he has been shunned by society for his entire life, forced to live alone in the isolated mansion of his deceased creator. However, Edward is given a new life when a curious Avon saleswoman finds him and adopts him as her own.


By watching this movie, there are a variety of areas that an English learner can improve upon:

  • listening comprehension

  • American English language

  • various American English accents

  • body language in American culture

  • American culture of the 1960s and 1990s

  • vocabulary related to:

    • business

    • skincare

    • family

    • gossip

    • bullying

    • discrimination

    • rejection

    • acceptance

    • loneliness

    • love and romance

    • joy

    • servitude

    • much more!

Is there a particular activity or movie that you like to watch in between holidays? What is it about? Practice your English by letting me know in the comments below.




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