Book: “The Midnight Library”

—| B2-C2 (upper-intermediate to advanced) |—

Photo courtesy of Matt Haig on

“The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig is one of my wife and my favourite books. It is a contemporary fiction novel that equally belongs to the genre of magical realism. It won first place for best fiction in 2020 in an international annual literary competition held by goodreads. It covers a variety of important topics, as well as vocabulary and grammatical elements, such as British English, mental health, depression, suicide, identity, help, regret, relationships (self, friendship, family, colleagues, peers, pets, dating, etc.), love and romance, career and work, description, time travel, daily vocabulary, and so much more…! I highly recommend it!

Does this seem like a book that you would be interested in reading? Maybe you have already read it? Let me know in the comments below.


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garbage can