Podcast: “Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus”

– C1-C2 (advanced) –

Practice Your Listening Comprehension

Practice Your Reading Comprehension

Multi-award-winning actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus confronts systemic ageism head on in her fascinating podcast entitled, “Wiser Than Me.” Hosting female guests specifically born before the 1960s, this podcast features a variety of Hollywoodian topics that leap beyond the superficial scope of entertainment and lands among the limitless horizons of meaningful and profound conversation.


While actively working on one’s listening comprehension in the English language, there are a myriad of grammatical and lexical elements that can be honed with this podcast:

  • American English

  • the present simple

  • the past simple

  • the past simple continuous

  • the past perfect

  • entertainment industry jargon

  • LOTS of idioms

  • adverbs

  • vocabulary related to:

    • career

    • memory

    • advice

    • identity

    • acting

    • comedy

    • writing

    • fashion

    • cooking

    • music

    • activism

  • and much more…!

What do you think of this podcast? Does this sound like something that you would be interested in? What are some of your favourite podcasts? Let me know in the comments below.


Thumbnail photo courtesy of imdb.com.


to beat the heat


to get away