born and raised

– C1 (advanced) –

Practice Your Listening Comprehension

Practice Your Reading Comprehension

In North American English, this idiom typically means:

  1. to be born in a place where you also grew up

  2. to be raised in a particular way since birth


This idiom often has a positive connotation that indicates pride.


  1. (definition 1)

    “Where are you from?”

    “Mexico, born and raised. You?”

    “I was born in Japan, but I grew up in Brazil and Canada.”

  2. (definition 2)

    “What did you do today?”

    “Oh, my family and I just went to church.”

    “Oh, I didn’t know you were Christian..!”

    “Yep, born and raised.”

Where were you born and raised? What characteristic were you born and raised with? Practice using this idiom by letting me know in the comments below.


Book: “Honey & Spice”


Song: “Angel”