Secret Santa

– C1-C2 (advanced)

Practice Your Listening Comprehension

Listen to blog post: "Secret Santa"
Josh Douglas

Practice Your Reading Comprehension

In Canadian English, this word typically means:

  1. (countable/uncountable noun) a traditional gift exchange that takes place during the Christmas season where names are secretly drawn for whom you are to buy a present for; recipients of gifts do not know who gave them their gift until all participants in the exchange have guessed whom they think bought them their present

    NOTE: this type of gift exchange is most commonly done among friends, members of a large family, as well as at the workplace among colleagues

  2. (countable noun) the person you are to buy a Christmas gift for if you are participating in the Secret Santa gift exchange


  1. (definition 1) “Unfortunately, my husband and I just don’t have the money in the budget this year to give a Christmas present to everyone in our friend groups. Do you think with ours we could do a Secret Santa to cut costs and make it more fun?”

  2. (definition 1) “Who did you get for Secret Santa?”

    “I’m not telling! It’s a secret!

    “Oh, so you got me, then?”

    “I didn’t say that!”

    “Well, I don’t have you. I have John from Accounting. It’s gonna be so hard because I barely know him. How am I supposed to buy him a gift!?”

    “It wouldn’t hurt to get to know him a little bit better. After all, Secret Santa is an opportunity for people to do so. But as long as you are trying your best to bless him, whatever you get him as a present will be appreciated. It’s the thought that counts, remember.”

    “Yeah, I know, I just wanted it to be easy. Are you sure we can’t swap?”

    (definition 2) “Yeah, good try… I’m still not telling you who my Secret Santa is. Get your butt to accounting, so I can figure out what I’m gonna do.”

Is there a similar gift exchange for a holiday in your country? What is it called and what are the rules? Practice your English by telling me about it in the comments below.


Song: “Mary, Did You Know?”


Movie: “Our Little Secret”